Skin By Science, tretinoin
  • What is the difference between high street products and medical grade products?

    All of our products are cosmeceutical or prescription only medications. Usual high street products are cosmetics. It is so important to highlight this MAJOR difference. Cosmetics can change the appearance of your skin temporarily (by cleansing or moisturising) but cosmeceuticals and drugs are THERAPEUTIC. This means that they actually change your cellular function! Essentially, cosmetics brush the dirt under the carpet whilst cosmeceuticals actually clean up!

  • Why can't I find all of these products on other stores?

    These highly effective medical grade products can only be supplied through a suitably trained medical professional, providing you have had a thorough consultation with them first. Medical grade skincare is licensed to be able to change your skin's cellular function- this is a big deal, and not something you want to mess around with haphazardly!

  • Why can't I just order them without a consultation?

    Although not all of these items are prescription strength, due to their highly active forms they can cause a great deal of irritation or discomfort if wrongly used or applied, or could even make your condition worse. A consultation is necessary to ensure you are using the right things for your skin and in the right way.  That's why every order has to go through me! I'm not risking your skin!

  • Do I need a consultation every time I get more products?

    Yes and no- it all depends on which products you're using. If you are using prescription strength products such as hydroquinone or retinoic acids, you will definitely need regular assessments to ensure they are working effectively. If a further course of these medications is needed, they will be repeat prescribed. 

    If you are using active products such as AHAs, BHAs and retinoids, although these are not prescription only medications, it is advised that a short assessment is carried out to ensure the treatment is still suitable for you. Just because these are not prescription only, does not make them harmless!

    Any general maintenance products which do not contain high concentrations of actives will be available to purchase without assessment after your first initial assessment.

  • I see higher percentages of retinol in creams on the high-street. Won't they be more effective?

    No- You may well see very high percentages of retinol, AHAs, BHAs and vitamin C in creams in the shops, but they lack the delivery systems of medical grade skincare. What does this mean? They've got the right molecules with no way to get into your skin! Your skin is your most robust first line defence from all manner of external factors. It would make sense that it is a pretty difficult barrier to cross. It's the job of the medical and pharmaceutical industries to find intelligent drug delivery systems which work at the molecular level, to safely carry the correct levels of a chemical, to the right depths! This is what the highstreet don't manage.

  • Do I have to use these products forever to keep the results?

    You will not necessarily need to use the same products forever, but good skin is hard work, and requires regular maintenance. You can't treat your skin like a flip flop and expect it to look like a Louboutin...

    Although a rather aggressive initial course of treatment is usually the best option to kickstart the process of rebooting your skin, you will not need to continue with aggressive treatment forever. It is likely that you will move on to a gentler maintenance regime for your daily preventive care with an occasional ramp up in intensity of your skincare actives. This will be dependent on your specific skin needs. 

  • Are your products Vegan friendly?

    All the products listed are vegan friendly and cruelty free. No animal testing is carried out on any product here :) 

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